Book of Synthesis

For years upon years I've wanted to build a Modular Synthesizer. I don't know why. I just do. In my mind its somewhere in between wanting learn more about electronics and about music at the same time. I've had a number of false starts and ended up with bits and bobs along the way. I am again starting anew and charting progress and resources here.

New Beginning

One of the reasons that I ran into in the past is that there is a steep learning curve. The course that used to be set out on the interwebz to get started:

  1. Build an Atari Punk Console
  2. Now you are in the deep end, learn advanced electronics
  3. Spend a lot of money

There seemed to be a lack of real instruction from moving from the APC on to modularization, and many of the forums (as a lot of forums on the Internet) focus on opaque specialized knowledge and lack real guidance for beginniners. Yet I knew this was a possible thing, so I would start and then stop and then start again. This go round I have found a number of resources that I think are much more beginner friendly in the sense that they take on the philosophy of 'just build it.' These managed to reignite my goal primary among these are the your tube channels:

  • Look Mum No Computer
  • Modular in a Week
  • Cusi Sounds

Psychedelic Wallpaper

This is the name of the build that I am working on. I've decided on a format somewhere inbetween a Cosmo from Look Mum No Computer and Eurorack. I say beween because I'm the sort of person to cobble things together and these are essentially compatible other than plug size, which is easily addressed. The idea is to just build and see what comes out. The end goal is a ambient generative type monster appropriate for making space music, whatever I decide that may be. Experimentation will be king here.


  • Noise Toaster
  • Super Simple VCO
  • Hex Decimal Sequencer
  • Turing Machine


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